We offer protection to individuals, groups and families with special security requirements.
Our bodyguards are thoroughly prepared and act with maximum discretion. Our team ensures personal safety and support within Texas and around the Americas. With a low profile yet fully alert, we are always by your side.
Safety is a multifaceted domain, and we understand its intricacies. We are more than willing to schedule a consultation with you at your convenience. We believe that discussing security matters in person is the most effective way to address this sensitive topic.
Our aim is to provide you with personalized guidance and solutions tailored to your specific needs. During the consultation, we will attentively listen to your concerns, assess your requirements, and offer expert advice. By engaging in direct conversation, we can better understand your unique situation and provide you with comprehensive insights and recommendations.
Rest assured, your security is our priority, and we are committed to working closely with you to ensure a safe and secure environment. Contact us to schedule a consultation and embark on a fruitful discussion regarding your security needs.



Peace of Mind

Friendly Support